[Building Sakai] Query on Morephus skin

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Tue Jan 6 12:46:03 PST 2015

Kona - Morpheus is still not completely ready in trunk - so be patient - hopefully we can see it later this week.

Once it is done for Sakai 11, there are no plans to back port morpheus to Sakai 10 and there are no plans to QA the Neo portal in Sakai 11 at all - we may even delete the Neo portal from Sakai 11.

In theory you could back-port the entire /portal folder back to Sakai 10 or Sakai 2.9 - that might actually work pretty well - but the problem is that the tool markup will also change somewhat in Sakai 11 where we find places where we need to improve the tool markup - all those little changes throughout the tool will be very hard to track down and back port.

So the best plan is just to assume that you get Morpheus in Sakai 11.


On Jan 6, 2015, at 9:48 AM, Laxman Deepak <laxmandeepak.vidyayug at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> As all we know that Sakai10.3 have a Morpheus skin by default.Is there way to back port Morpheus skin to sakai 2.9.3.
> I have tried to create the new Morpheus skin in sakai10.3 itself.Even in this also i get some challenges.And to create the Morpheus skin i have followed the following link
> https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/reference/trunk/library/src/webapp/skin/morpheus-master/README.md
> By going through the above link i am unable to find the Sakai-Compass-Compile.rb in morephus-master folder in 10.3.
> Wish you happy new year all.
> Thank you
> Kona Laxman Deepak

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