[Building Sakai] Implementation for Soft-Delete of sites and resources

William Karavites willkara at oit.rutgers.edu
Mon Jan 5 07:42:25 PST 2015

Hello everybody, 

Would anyone be able to let me know what changes need to be made to implement the soft-delete functionality for resources and sites in Sakai? I know that there will be a flag set in sakai.properties for both, I was just wondering if anyone has implemented these features and came across other changes that needed to be made. 

I currently have the following values for the Site Soft-Delete. What would be need for resources? 

#Site & Content Soft Deletes 
# enable soft site deletions when a site is deleted normally 
# if true, they will be softly delete and then purged after 30 days 
# if false, thet will be deleted immediately 
# defaults to false. 

# the number of days to keep softly deleted sites until they are purged. 
# if not set and site.soft.deletion=true, defaults to 30 days. 

Would it be something along these lines for resources? 

#for deleted resources 
#bodyPathDeleted at org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService=/sakai-production/sakaiDeletedResources 

Thank you, 


William Karavites 
Application Programmer 
OIT/OIRT- Rutgers University 
Office: 848-445-8726 
Cell: 732-822-9405 
willkara at rutgers.edu 

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