[Building Sakai] Sakai 10 RC 3 bug?

Kurosch Petzold kurosch.petzold at fu-berlin.de
Wed Jun 25 07:28:10 PDT 2014

Hey Guys,

I think I found a bug in RC 3. If custom site types are added like
described here (https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/DOC/Adding+a
+Site+Type) and activated through "site.types" property Worksite Setup
will not let you create any sites, the next button is grayed out.
However if you reset the tool and it reopens in a new tab/window then
the creation of new sites is possible. Note also the custom site types
cannot be chosen to create a site (tried with custom realm "!
site.template.internal" in my case and without) from worksite setup

I am sorry but we do not happen to have a public server so that I could
show it.

I really hope this is a false alarm and I am doing something wrong, but
I clearly remember it working in Sakai 2.9.{2||3}.

Best regards,
Kurosch Petzold

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