[Building Sakai] Lessons maintenance status

Charles Hedrick hedrick at rutgers.edu
Mon Jun 16 13:12:14 PDT 2014

With the release of Sakai 10 about to happen, there are now several branches of Lessons. Here’s the status:

1.3.x - hasn’t been maintained for some time. No one should be using this

1.4.x - shipped with 2.9. Will work with 2.8, and probably earlier with a small amount of work. I’ve put significant fixes from the Sakai 10 version into it. They’re mostly in 2.9.3, but I just back ported a couple of more. With the release of Sakai 10, it’s unlikely that more work will happen on 1.4.x

10.0 - ships with Sakai 10. Currently maintained, but some recent changes to trunk haven’t been put into 10, since there wasn’t time for QA

10.x - when the release of Sakai 10 is frozen, I’ll sync 10.x with trunk, that is, move everything from trunk into 10.x

11/trunk - currently this will be identical to 10.x, except that 10.x has to be stabilized before releases. However at some point I expect there will be major new features for 11. At that point trunk will diverge from 10.x

The only significant difference in features between 10.0 and trunk is support for import of version 1.3 of Common Cartridge. That will go into 10.1 ,but was too late for 10.0.

trunk is supported for Sakai 2.8, 2.9, 10 and 11
10 is supported for Sakai 2.8, 2.9, and 10
1.4.x is supported (minimally) for Sakai 2.9 and 2.8

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