[Building Sakai] CKEditor paste from word

Sanghyun Jeon euksa99 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 10:59:24 PDT 2014

We are using Sakai 2.9.3 and CKEditor

When I try to add our faculty's syllabus via using the icon "paste from
word" in CKeditor, I get the following security error. If I ignore the
error and click Post again, it works. Below is my security setting and all
commented out for antisamy.
I've been informed that upgrading CKEditor or Sakai 2.10 will resolve many
CKEditor issue at Sakai conference. However, we are not able to upgrade
CKEditor or Sakai version at this moment. Is there anyway I can
relieve/resolve this issue?

Thank you in advance.


# Force the use of the legacy html content processor (used in versions
before and including 2.9),
# if this is not overridden then the antisamy html cleaner will be used
# Default: true in 2.9.x and below (do not use AntiSamy), false in 2.10.x
and above (use AntiSamy)

# Force the user of a lower security profile for content processing and
# if this is not overridden then high security settings are used.
# The standard high and low files are located in
# Override the standard files by placing your own files in:
#       ${sakai.home}/antisamy/high-security-policy.xml
#       ${sakai.home}/antisamy/low-security-policy.xml
# NOTE: only works if AntiSamy is enabled (see
# Default: false (use high security - no unsafe embeds or objects)

Error: The h1 tag contained an attribute that we could not process. The
align attribute has been filtered out, but the tag is still in place. The
value of the attribute was "center". The a tag contained an attribute that
we could not process. The href attribute had a value of
This value could not be accepted for security reasons. We have chosen to
remove this attribute from the tag and leave everything else in place so
that we could process the input. The a tag contained an attribute that we
could not process. The href attribute had a value of
This value could not be accepted for security reasons. We have chosen to
remove this attribute from the tag and leave everything else in place so
that we could process the input. The h2 tag contained an attribute that we
could not process. The align attribute has been filtered out, but the tag
is still in place. The value of the attribute was "right". The h2 tag
contained an attribute that we could not process. The align attribute has
been filtered out, but the tag is still in place. The value of the
attribute was "right". The h2 tag contained an attribute that we could not
process. The align attribute has been filtered out, but the tag is still in
place. The value of the attribute was "right". The h2 tag contained an
attribute that we could not process. The align attribute has been filtered
out, but the tag is still in place. The value of the attribute was "right".
The table tag had a style attribute, "border", that could not be allowed
for security reasons. The table tag had a style attribute, "border", that
could not be allowed for security reasons. The table tag had a style
attribute, "border", that could not be allowed for security reasons. The br
tag contained an attribute that we could not process. The clear attribute
has been filtered out, but the tag is still in place. The value of the
attribute was "all". The hr tag contained an attribute that we could not
process. The align attribute has been filtered out, but the tag is still in
place. The value of the attribute was "left". The hr tag contained an
attribute that we could not process. The size attribute has been filtered
out, but the tag is still in place. The value of the attribute was "1". The
hr tag contained an attribute that we could not process. The width
attribute has been filtered out, but the tag is still in place. The value
of the attribute was "33%". The a tag contained an attribute that we could
not process. The href attribute had a value of
This value could not be accepted for security reasons. We have chosen to
remove this attribute from the tag and leave everything else in place so
that we could process the input. The a tag contained an attribute that we
could not process. The href attribute had a value of
This value could not be accepted for security reasons. We have chosen to
remove this attribute from the tag and leave everything else in place so
that we could process the input.
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