[Building Sakai] nofailover setting of apache proxy load balancing

Sanghyun Jeon euksa99 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 15:18:33 PST 2014

Hello all,

We are currently using Apache Proxy Balancer as per this guide


Our problem is
whenever a tomcat instance goes down (ie crashes), users are sticky to that
unusable tomcat instance forever (unless our users delete their browser's
cache or login with a different browser). We would like to let our load
balancer redirect the users to the next available instance, if the user's
previous tomcat instance becomes unavailable (crashes or else). The users
might lose their previous session information but they can start again
without clicking the unusable site forever.
We've read nofailover setting (nofailover=off) might be our solution, but
we would like to have some type of confirmation from other experienced

Below is our current setting. We have one apache server and two app node
servers(two tomcats per each app node server)

66  ProxyPass /balancer-manager !

73  # Pass everything else

 74  ProxyPass / balancer://sakaiCluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID

  75  <Proxy balancer://sakaiCluster>

  76   BalancerMember ajp://XXXX:8009 route=Sakai1A ttl=60

  77   BalancerMember ajp://XXXX:8010 route=Sakai1B ttl=60

  78   BalancerMember ajp://XXXX:8009 route=Sakai2A ttl=60

  79   BalancerMember ajp://XXXX:8010 route=Sakai2B ttl=60
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