[Building Sakai] Trying to use Evaluation System tool

Sergio Muriel sergioame at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 8 13:46:40 PDT 2014

Dear Daniel,thank you very much for the recommendation. I'll take it into account. The most recent version I see is the version 1.4. 
I don't have anything related to "evaluation" in <tomcat>/webapps nor <tomcat>/shared/lib/ folders.Should I have something there after running: mvn clean install -D sakai2.9?
Also, I don't have any EVAL_*** tables created in database, then I think I need to create them by myself.
Thank you for your suggestions.

PD: Please find attached what I have after running the maven command into 'evaluation' folder. You can see it says "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", although it shows some exception somewhere (InvalidReferenceException: Expression author is undefined on line 3, column 14 in textProcess.)

Best Regards,

Sergio Muriel
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2014 08:05:32 +0200
From: daniel.merino at unavarra.es
To: sakai-dev at collab.sakaiproject.org
Subject: Re: [Building Sakai] Trying to use Evaluation System tool

    Hi Sergio,


    first at all, I recommend you either 1.3 or 1.5 versions of
    Evaluation System. Unless somebody has worked on it recently, I
    tried 1.4 in the past and it gave me a lot of trouble. The colleges
    that I know which are using Evalsys, and ourselves, are in 1.3.0.
    And the 1.5 tag is where the efforts are currently located AFAIK.


    To look for deployment errors, you can test if evaluation's war is
    in <tomcat>/webapps and <tomcat>/shared/lib/ folders.


    Also, you can test if the EVAL_*** tables are created in database.
    If not, maybe autoddl is not set up or maybe it is not working for
    evaluation and you must create the tables by yourself.


    If everything is ok, you can log in as admin and see if
    sakai.rsf.evaluation tool is in the list of available tools.


    And if it is available, maybe is not well configured. You can take a
    look to this guide to set up permissions and admin options:


    Hope it helps.

    Best regards.


    El 07/08/14 a las #4, Sergio Muriel

        Dear All,
        I'm trying to run the
            Evaluation System tool using:
        1. Windows
        2. Tomcat 7
        3. MySQL
        4. Sakai 2.9.1
              (Kernel 1.3.1)
              Hierarchy 1.2.6
        6. Evaluation System
            tool 1.4.1
        7. Maven 2.2.1

        I've done all the steps showed in:

        When I deploy it and run it in Tomcat it doesn't show me
          any errors related with Evaluation System, but it also doesn't show me
            anything new or related to Evaluation System in the web site.

        Does anybody has any clue
            for it?

        PD Questions: 
        - Is it possible (right, good) to Maven Sakai modules using
          different Maven versions?
        - Is this system still being used? (In case not, any



          Best Regards,

          Sergio Muriel



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      Daniel Merino Echeverría

      daniel.merino at unavarra.es

      Gestor de E-learning - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.

      Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.


      La inteligencia me persigue pero yo soy mas rápido. (Les Luthiers)

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