[Building Sakai] Chrome 30 and HTTP

Sam Ottenhoff ottenhoff at longsight.com
Wed Oct 9 09:34:43 PDT 2013

>      We prefer to fix the Sakai code so that it works with Chrome 30,
> without running SSL between the load-balancer and Sakai server (as stated
> in the thread), and without adding rewrite rules above/outside Sakai, that
> is, rewrite rules in the load-balancer, webserver, or servlet container (as
> you're doing).  But I don't want to waste time fixing the code if someone
> else already has done it that way.

I believe the easiest way to get Tomcat to believe it is being delivered
over HTTPS is using the X-Forwarded-Proto.  This is one of several
solutions described here:


The way it works: edit your front-end load balancer to send the header
X-Forwarded-Proto with a value of "https" to the Tomcat nodes.

Edit your Tomcat nodes conf/server.xml to use this Valve:

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve"
protocolHeader="X-Forwarded-Proto" />

Restart Tomcat and now Tomcat knows it is being served over https.

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