[Building Sakai] Portal neo CHAT - loading problem

Sam Ottenhoff ottenhoff at longsight.com
Mon Mar 18 08:09:00 PDT 2013

> IE's not. We still have people on IE7 :) Safari's also not had it long so
> it's a bit dodgy.

Yeah, but if you use a horrible browser like IE7, your experience of the
web is already degraded and substandard.  Not being to access cool new
functionality becomes part of the tradeoff of sticking to out-dated
browsers.  This is not an argument I would make for any core Sakai
functionality (reading, writing, posting, editing, etc); it's an argument
for new, optional functionality only.

> Websockets are the obvious candidate for reducing the socket use of portal
> chat but I don't want to exclude a large group of potential users (the IE
> crowd).

Here is what I see at a fairly typical American institution from the past
month of Sakai use: Chrome 42%, Safari  39%, FF 9%, IE 6%.  Web designers

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