[Building Sakai] Portal NEO Prefix

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Mon Mar 18 06:28:40 PDT 2013

On Mar 17, 2013, at 6:57 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

> Putting aside the 'tools are wrong argument' (which I agree with, see below.) I still don't see a need for the automatic prefixing of skins in the the portal code. 

It is so that a site or our code can have parallel skin sets and switch between then with one property rather than having a set of properties that need to change all at the same time and needing to run an SQL conversion to switch prefixes - and then needing to undo all that to switch back.

> It seems this code is catering for the sites that may have properties for their own skins defined, which can easily be taken care of at either upgrade time or at any time afterwards, with a line of SQL to upgrade them.

The problem with this line of sql is that over time we will have hacks about these prefixes and the SQL - there will be various variants of the properties that come out over time and we will slowly need to build case statements that deal with the various conventions that we use as the product progresses.

> Re tools: Note that the Wicket way of rendering CSS has been around since 2.5 and worked since then. I'm not saying its the right way, and I'll look at changing tools so its done via that request attribute, but its worked for a long time. I am sure that its not only Wicket tools that manually include the skin css though. Also the requirement to inline the body onload will probably conflict with tools that use a jQuery document ready.

The use of the bit of JS that is supposed to run onload could easily be done on a JQ document ready instead of onload if the tool knows it is running JQuery.   All the portal wants is to inject a bit of Javascript (typically the iframe resize) that runs when the document is loaded - whether it is onload or document ready could be left up to the tool.

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