[Building Sakai] Sign-up tool

Liu, Peter peter.liu at yale.edu
Tue Mar 5 10:40:15 PST 2013

Hi Sanghyun,

I am not sure whether the Sign-up 2.7.x version has the 'Advanced user-defined timeslots' Feature.

There should be a checkbox for this feature at 'modify Meeting' page and user can define/ modify the timeslots with different time-length or number of participants at will.

I will suggest that you get the latest Sign-up tool, which have much more new features (including your request on email notification for individual participants)

Let me know if you have any issue.

Peter Liu

From: Sanghyun Jeon [mailto:euksa99 at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 1:21 PM
To: Liu, Peter; sakai-dev; Maneesha Aggarwal
Subject: Sign-up tool

We are currently using Sakai 2.7.0 and we have a feature request for this awesome sign-up tool.

Here's our current experience:
one of our faculties scheduled meetings from 3~5 PM with a signup tool. Some of her students started to sign up for some slots, but later she needed a larger range of time, so that she switched the time range to 1-5 PM. Now, as you expected, all the previous appointments were shifted to the earlier time slots. I assume she sees the warning message when she tries to modify the sign-up sheet: "Some people may have already signed up in the meeting(s). You may need to contact them about the rescheduling"

She also knows the sign-up tool provides her with email notification button, so that she can send out her email about the change to her students, but she hopes that sign -up tool allows her to extend her time slots with keeping her students' previous appointments

Current sign-up behavior

3:00 user 1, user 2, user 3
4:00 user 5
5:00 user 6

after the time range changed
1:00 user 1, user 2, user 3
2:00 user 5
3:00 user 6

Our expected behavior
after the time range changed
3:00 user 1, user 2, user 3
4:00 user 5
5:00 user 6

Thank you in advance.

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