[Building Sakai] Forums Open and Close Dates

Chris Ribble cribble at uwindsor.ca
Fri Jun 28 08:34:55 PDT 2013

Hi everyone,

I've run into a bit of an issue with the Msgcntr Forums open and close 
dates functions. I've noticed that when setting these dates a scheduled 
quartz job is created to open and close the forums on the specified times. 
The scheduler only seems to run every 10 minutes and thus the opening of 
these forums can be delayed by up to 10 minutes. Some of our Instructors 
use the Forum as virtual meeting space and a 10 minute discrepancy could 
cause some issues.

Is there another way to open and close the forums without using the 
scheduler? Or, is there a way to change the scheduler interval? Would a 
shorter interval cause a performance issue?


Chris Ribble
LMS Application Developer
Information Technology Services
University of Windsor
cribble at uwindsor.ca
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