[Building Sakai] Reproduce SAK-23733 - Lessons

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Thu Jun 27 10:21:44 PDT 2013

[qa and dev]

Hi QA and Dev,

Looking for some help.  I cannot reproduce the problem listed in 


I'm using 2.9.1 pack-demo locally (this means I compile a demo version of 2.9.1 to run on my Mac). 

Here are my steps:

* Create a course site
* Add in three students - student0001, student0002, student0003
* Put two of the students in a Group, I called "Group1" with the Site Info -> Manage groups option
* Create an Assignment worth 100 points and Display to Selected groups choose Group1.
* "Add Assignment to Gradebook"
* Add Assignment to the Lessons tool
* Have students complete Assignment
* As instructor role, grade the students
* Add in a manual gradebook column (so that I can check gradebook calculations) and assign grades to the students

* log in as student001 and student0002. Based on my understanding of the bug, I should not be able to see my grades. But I do. The "Course Grades" should not include the grades from Assignment in the calculation, but it does.

LocalSakaiName - DEMO - Sakai 2.9.1 (Kernel 1.3.1)

I cannot reproduce my understanding of the bug. Can anybody successfully recreate this issue?

Neal Caidin

Sakai CLE community Coordinator
neal.caidin at apereo.org

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