[Building Sakai] Roster data via REST?

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Thu Jun 6 10:24:43 PDT 2013

I am setting up a remote automatic reporting system for all of our DE courses, and now have a webservice that can REST access any defined report, bypassing the current method of using database queries for the same data.

But I could not find an easy way to get the course roster this way (again, currently doing a query), since that is not in any site-stats reports. I browsed the /direct webservices, but didn't recognize anything there that could give me the Roster, and have never had much luck with most of them anyway.

(I recall hearing that some (many?) were only partial, never actually completed or functioning.)

So, any hints on a REST service for Roster information?
I think that Steve said he was working on a cadre of new services, and this might be part of that, so I can just wait for it.


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