[Building Sakai] Log Aggregation and Analysing for tomcat

William Karavites willkara at oit.rutgers.edu
Thu Jun 6 09:31:00 PDT 2013

Hello all, 

I've been looking into different log aggregation tools for the Sakai tomcat logs and have come across different solutions and am wondering if any of you have used any before. 

    * Sentry 
    * GrayLog2 
    * Splunk 
    * Apache Flume 
    * Sawmill 
    * LogStash 
    * Probe 
    * SumoLogic 

It seems like there is a fair spread of paid/free options and definitely more out there. Has anyone used any of these and could offer any feedback on the best one(s)? 

Thank you, 
William Karavites 

William Karavites 
Application Programmer 
OIT/OIRT- Rutgers University 
Office: 732-445-8726 
Cell: 732-822-9405 
willkara at rutgers.edu 

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