[Building Sakai] JSON

Alexandre Ballesté alexandre.balleste at udl.cat
Tue Jan 22 00:28:51 PST 2013

+1 Interesting. Having JSON on some points at DB would open the door to 
speed up some of our apps.


On 01/22/2013 03:51 AM, Hedrick Charles wrote:
> I've started experimenting with JSON for persisting data that doesn't need to appear in queries. A number of Sakai applications use XML for this. I find the JSON is more compact and way it's organized results in significantly simpler code. However I have to do some weirdness because there's no JSON library in shared. It might be a good idea to put something there. I'm currently using simple-JSON, but I haven't investigated the alternatives.

Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén  alexandre.balleste at udl.cat
University of Lleida
Information and Communication Systems Service
Analyst / Programmer
Twitter: @sinmsinm

Tlf: +34 973 702148
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