[Building Sakai] Assignment tool: Problems with grading

RAUL SANCHEZ VEGAS raulsv at um.es
Thu Feb 7 00:57:07 PST 2013


We are experimenting problems with the Assignment tool:

Previous facts: There is an assignment associated to a Gradebook2 item 
which has been created before the assignment. The assignment has one 
student submission:

1. The Instructor grades student in the Gradebook2 item with 6 points.
2. The Instructor grades student in the assignment with 7 points and 
clicks "Save", however the 7 points are not stored, and remain the 6 points.

The instructor is not allowed to change the student's score in the 
assignment because the Gradebook2 item that is associated to the 
assignment, has already a score.

We have Sakai 2.7.2 and Gradebook2 1.8.0.

Is there any solution?


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