[Building Sakai] Sakai permissions question

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Fri Dec 20 06:42:35 PST 2013

[sakai-dev, and sakai-qa]

Hey all,

Question about permissions, using Announcements as an example.

The default permissions for a TA for Announcements tool is the same as 
for a student. See enclosed screenshot. But, if you create a group and 
put the TA in the group, the TA's permissions are much more powerful, 
which does kind of make sense. However those permission settings are 
only available through the Admin realms tool?  The instructor cannot 
control the permissions for group Announcements through the site?

A TA can then create an announcement but only if she is a member of a 
group, and only for that group. If I'm the instructor, I look at 
permissions, it doesn't look as though the TA should be able to create 
an announcement at all.

Is this expected behavior? Is there no way for an instructor to manage 
permissions at the group level?


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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