[Building Sakai] Demo account differences between trunk and Longsight QA

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Dec 18 12:13:19 PST 2013


I'm wondering if anybody has ideas about why the demo accounts behave 
differently on Sakai trunk and Longsight QA, which is a snapshot of 
trunk from a couple of days ago?

On trunk if, for example, one uses the "instructor" account and creates 
a course based on one of the built-in sections, the student  roster is 
automatically populated as well as the TA associated with whatever 
section you pick. However, it seems like on Longsight QA server, the 
students get populated in the roster, but not the TA.

Seems kind of weird. I would expect the behavior in demo mode to be the 
same for both servers.

Any suggestions?


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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