[Building Sakai] PMC approves the Screensteps help content authoring proposal

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Wed Dec 11 17:39:55 PST 2013

The Screensteps proposal advanced by Sam Ottenhoff has been affirmed by the PMC.  11 members voted +1, 2 members did not cast votes, while 2 others voted +1 but did so after the close of voting, thus invalidating their official vote though not their sentiments on the question.  No members opposed the proposal.  

Given the outcome, the chair will draft a formal request to Ian Dolphin, Apereo Executive Director, seeking supporting funds as outlined in the proposal.

The original proposal along with individual vote tallies are available in Confluence for review.  [1]



[1] https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/PMC/ScreenSteps+help+content+authoring+proposal

anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan | arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228

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