[Building Sakai] Moving YAFT and CLOG to github

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Tue Aug 27 14:29:44 PDT 2013

Agreed.  I think we should avoid mixing core and contrib repos under the sakaiproject account and also avoid creating a sakaiproject-contrib account in order to encourage devs and organization to park their projects there.  As Chuck writes let contrib projects form wherever they form.  I think this laissez-faire approach sensible.  It will involve less admin overhead--we'd have to create/maintain Github "teams" for each contrib repo.  More importantly, I regard it as a more honest approach; no "sakaiproject" veneer suggesting that the Sakai Community's is responsible for the upkeep of the code.   Instead it pins contrib repos directly to the individual developers, groups and organizations actually developing and maintaining the code, and does so in a very public way.  

Adrian's decision to create Yaft and Clog repos under his Github account (or some other non-sakaiproject account) is in my view the right approach to take for contrib projects interested in switching from SVN to Git and utilizing Github to host their repo(s).


anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan | arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228

On Aug 27, 2013, at 3:54 PM, Charles Severance wrote:

> I agree with the Aaron view that we don't formalize contrib under sakaiproject.  Let the projects form wherever they form.   We should have a way to find them in one place and have a pattern for branches, etc that we recommend contrib projects use for consistency.
> It also means that contrib projects may or may get developed with all parties guaranteed to have a ICLA - which means that any future contrib project that moves to core will need to go through an incubation process to at a minimum clear IP issues.
> Contrib projects that run only allowing committers with a CCLA should continue to do so even if they in some far-off corner of github.
> I think that we should encourage a best practice for contrib (i.e. be on github)..  It is OK to be flexible but most folks will be happy following convention.
> /Chuck
> On Aug 27, 2013, at 11:38 AM, Aaron Zeckoski <azeckoski at unicon.net> wrote:
>> I suggest we follow the jquery example on this.
>> https://github.com/jquery
>> Official (core) jquery projects go under the jquery account. All other
>> plugins (of which there are at least hundreds) go whereever they like
>> in github, bitbucket, google code, etc.
>> -AZ

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