[Building Sakai] fall 2013 branch for Lessons

Charles Hedrick hedrick at rutgers.edu
Tue Aug 13 08:34:06 PDT 2013

I've just created a branch for people who want to use Lessons 1.5 this fall (and probably spring). That include us and UMich.


trunk is still called 1.5, so the real 1.5.x will be made when 2.10 branches. It will be part of 2.10. 

I'm going to start doing things for 2.10 in trunk. This includes some bug fixes and design cleanups that I don't want for fall deploys. It will include project Ketai.


1.4.x - bound to Sakai 2.9.x. probably won't get further fixes after 2.9.3 release.
1.5.x-fall2013 - will not appear with any Sakai release, unless there's a 2.9.4 before 2.10. 
trunk / 1.5.x - will be in 2.10

I do not recommend using trunk in production. Those I've recommended it to in the past should use 1.5.x-fall2013, which at the moment is the same code. If you've taken trunk / 1.5 recently, there's no reason to do anything. But if you need maintenance, get it from 1.5.x-fall2013.

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