[Building Sakai] Sakai 2.9.x-all: Announcements RESTful services

Chan Jackson chanmjackson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 09:15:02 PDT 2013

Hello All,

I'm unsure if this functionality might have been implemented with some of
the more recent check-ins of Announcements tool, but we're working on
implementing the create and update entity functionality from the
Announcement RESTful API
We are wondering if there were any good working examples or references that
we could see or use? So far, we've noticed that the
ChatChannelEntityProvider and ChatMessageEntityProvider seem to be the
closest tool that has implemented these services. Any help would be greatly
appreciated! Thank you!!


Chan Jackson | Java Developer Consultant


*American Public University System*
American Military University  |  American Public University
661 S George Street, Charles Town, WV 25414
T 304-885-5260 | M 304-261-2586 |  cjackson at apus.edu | www.apus.edu
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