[Building Sakai] CLE 2.9.2 testing - Tips

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Tue Apr 23 11:07:59 PDT 2013

[qa and dev lists]

Hi All,

Thanks for the great start to Sakai CLE 2.9.2-rc01 (release candidate 01) testing!!!

Please record which server you are on in the Google docs. The servers are INTENTIONALLY configured in different ways.

Summary of servers:

* https://qa29.longsight.com (alias - http://qa29.sakaiqa.org)  - has the default security settings (AntiSamy - Low). May also have a few more properties, but not the neo-chat (social chat/portal chat, not the chat tool) feature. 

*  http://qa1-nl.sakaiproject.org/portal  (alias - http://qa29-secure.sakaiqa.org) - has the highest level of security settings (AntiSamy - High). Does have a few more properties and the neo-chat feature

* https://sakai-29.rutgers.edu/portal - (alias - http://qa29-2.sakaiqa.org ) - has the new security infrastructure turned OFF (AntiSamy - off ) and uses the same security scheme as 2.9.1 and earlier. Also is running behind a Load Balancer! Good for testing neo-chat! 

Properties which are turned on (except for Longsight server for the moment):

* Ability to zip and unzip files in Resources    - SAK-800, KNL-273, with open issue - SAK-21535

* Ability to display profile picture in Forums - MSGCNTR-584

* Re-ordering of Announcements - SAK-8005

* Shortened URL service - SAK-21859

* Instructor can submit an Assignment on behalf of student - SAK-7475

* Portal chat (neo-chat) - note: will not be turned on for Longsight server QA testing



Neal Caidin

Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Skype: nealkdin
AIM: ncaidin at aol.com

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