[Building Sakai] Submit assignment on behalf of student

Qu, Yuanhua yq12 at txstate.edu
Tue Apr 9 09:08:37 PDT 2013


This is related to jIRA https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-7475; we like this feature and would like to apply for our sakai 2.8.2.

 It is working when I applied to sakai 2.8.2 other than one bug -- it always pull the instructor's submission as the student's if instructor submit as student and also the student hasn't submitted yet. Here is the steps to reproduce it:

  1.  create an assignment say asn1
  2.  go to "Student VIew" and click "Submit as Student" under asn1, type something and submit.
  3.   go to "Assignment List" -> View -> Assignment List by Student -> click "Submit as Student" on any of the student that hasn't submitted his/her own yet; you will see what you typed there in step 2; and you won't be able to see the editor and submit, instead you only have a "Done" button to click.
  4.  After you click on "Done" button, it leads you to the actual "Student View" page although not exactly, as per the screenshot, weird_look_after_clickDone.png.

Note: in Step 3, when you click on the asn1 for that student, it pulls up the right info; but if you click on "Submit as Student", it pulls the submission of the instructor (as student).

Had anyone see this? Would like to check with others for a quick fix before I start working on it.   Thanks.

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