[Building Sakai] Binary install of 2.9

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Tue Apr 9 06:58:09 PDT 2013

This is correct and why we have a binary and a demo. Demo you can get
running by just uncompressing the package and starting it up. It also has a
java opt to populate demo data and the startup script with good settings
for memory.

Binary is just all of the files, and it's expected you provide your own
startup script and existing tomcat. It's even possible to configure a
tomcat that your distribution provides, though generally still recommended
to just download your own. This is often better because Apache updates
faster than Sakai so you'd stay more up-to-date with the binary.

The biggest thing that won't work in Sakai 2.9 if you used Tomcat 5 is
webdav, since that actually extends from the internal tomcat libraries. The
latest Sakai actually needs the latest Tomcat 7, and earlier 2.9 versions
of Sakai (2.9.1 and before) only work on earlier versions of Tomcat 7. It's
possible to use webdav on 2.8 if you REALLY wanted Tomcat 5.5, but that's
past EOL.

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Gregory Guthrie <guthrie at mum.edu> wrote:

> Thanks.****
> ** **
> I think the “binary” is to drop-in with an existing tomcat, whereas the
> “demo” has its own embedded tomcat.****
> ** **
> I was mislead by the confused documentation, and then also because it does
> seem to run fine with the older tomcat (with the exception of what I noted
> below)!****
> ** **
> Upgrading Tomcat now. Thanks again.****
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