[Building Sakai] Assignment attachment issue

Vijayarengan Ramanuja Chary ramanuv at muohio.edu
Tue Sep 25 12:05:17 PDT 2012


One of the file that had the problem is.

When we view the file name in the link or browser address bar it shows a space and name of the file. The URI encode %C2%A0 seems to be non-breaking space, a special character/math symbol (http://www.javascripter.net/faq/mathsymbols.htm)

We had similar problem earlier with varying forms of hyphens in the file names. The user used a special character hyphen which had different ASCII values( NOT the standard ASCII 45) in the file name when uploading the assignment as attachment. When Sakai displayed the standard hyphen(ASCII 45). So when clicked on the link, it gave error saying it could not locate the file.

Please do let us know.



From: Geng, Kelly
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 1:12 PM
To: Ramanuja Chary, Vijayarengan
Subject: FW: [Building Sakai] Assignment attachment issue

If you can answer the developer’s question and follow up with them about the issue.

From: Steve Swinsburg [mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:45 PM
To: Geng, Kelly
Cc: Zhen Qian;sakai-dev at collab.sakaiproject.org
Subject: Re: [Building Sakai] Assignment attachment issue

It would be interesting to find out what the cause of this is.

Could you enabling debug logging and try the link and see if you get anything interesting?
Also, what is the full URL? You can take out identifying info like server url etc so that we can try to reproduce and find the cause.


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