[Building Sakai] webservices SOAP access.

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Wed Sep 12 10:08:21 PDT 2012

I am trying to get started with using the sakai webservices, and have two questions;

1) my initial attempt was to try the Python login example ( ),
   And I tried it to both our local install and to a second local trial install of rSmart's CLE.
  (Both are working 2.8 sites, and have web-services enabled)
    - To our main site, the call to the  ServiceProxy just timeout's,
   - And to the rSmart local site it returns a 500 failure code.

I am not sure how to debug this further, or why they respond differently.
Any hints appreciated.

2) I saw several administrative tasks supported, but did not find any services that would help me access internal data for doing external reporting on statistics and usage, is this correct or did I miss something?


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