[Building Sakai] Customizing Sakai: Excluding Modules

Axel Theorin axel.theorin at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 19:23:46 PDT 2012


I'm using Sakai 2.9 as a platform for building a communication,
collaboration, and data-sharing portal for students and researchers.
While the portal is intended for use primary by academics, it is not
tied to any particular institution, nor while it be used to organize
any teaching activities. Therefore, modules/functionality like
gradebook and assignment etc. don't make any sense for me and I would
like to exclude them from my installation (and if possible from my

Can I do this by just removing references to the unnecessary modules
from the top-level pom.xml?

Any hints on how I should proceed in pruning the source-tree would be
much appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Axel Theorin
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

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