[Building Sakai] Samigo - Question Pool Sharing Issue

Raul Sanchez Vegas raulsv at um.es
Thu Nov 29 08:14:23 PST 2012

Hi all

We've found the next two issues:

Facts and settings to reproduce it:

- Instructor A and Instructor B belong to Site 1.
- Instructor B belongs to Site 2 however instructor A doesn't belong to 
Site 2.
- Instructor A shares a question pool called 'First qpool' with 
Instructor B inside Site 1.
- Instructor B opens 'First qpool' inside Site 2 and creates a question 
with an attachment inside 'First qpool' . This attachment belongs to 
Site 2 by default.

First issue:

1. Instructor A (in Site 1) opens the question which has been created by 
Instructor B.
2. Instructor A tries to open the question's attachment but he is not 
allowed to open it because the attachment belongs to Site 2 rather than 
Site 1.

Second issue:

1. Instructor A (in Site 1) creates a new assessment.
2. Instructor A tries to import the first assessment's question from the 
question pool 'First qpool'.
3. Instructor A selects the question which has been created by 
Instructor B and Samigo throws this exception 
"java.lang.RuntimeException: failed to populateItemBean." because this 
question has an attachment that belongs to Site 2, and Instructor A 
doesn't belong to Site 2 so he is not able to access to this attachment.

The main problem is that question pools belong to an instructor while 
question's attachments belong to a Site. So, when using question pool 
sharing functionality, an Instructor A is able to access to a question 
pool's question which has an attachment that is stored in other site 
where Instructor A is not a member, and therefore, instructor A won't 
have access to the attachment.

It fails on trunk too: http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082/portal. Has 
anyone had the same problem?


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