[Building Sakai] distinct events for Resources and Dropbox (Sitestats)

Stephen Marquard stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
Fri Mar 23 05:32:52 PDT 2012

Files in Resources have a different reference structure to files in
Dropbox, so I'm not really convinced it's necessary to have separate


Stephen Marquard, Acting Director 
Centre for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town
Email/IM/XMPP: stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za 
Phone: +27-21-650-5037 Cell: +27-83-500-5290 

>>> Vijaykumar Sadupally <UdcsWeb at unisa.ac.za> 3/23/2012 2:21 PM >>>
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Good day David,
I am Vijay from Unisa.
We are experiencing a problem with Dropbox on Sitestats/statistics
tool,there is no distinct event on Dropbox and resources. Both use
content tool to generate their events.
We need a way whereby each(Dropbox and Resource) will generate their
own event separately.
Currently the operations on Dropbox and Resources generates
content.*events. It does not have a distinct events for Resources and
Dropbox. Eg, content.* and dropbox.*
This is reported in

Jim Eng made the following comment in Jira:
The problem seems to be that events are posted by the
ContentHostingService, and CHS does not care whether the item is in a
dropbox or resources collection, as long as permissions are satisfied.
Ian suggested that the problem Jean-Francois described could be solved
if the Resources tool posted events that distinguished dropbox events
from resources events. For example, we might define two new sets of
event-ids (e.g. "resource.read", "dropbox.read", "resource.new",
"dropbox.new", etc) and when an event occurs within the resources tool
or filepicker, the tool could post one of these events. CHS would still
post a "content" event. You could then revise SiteStats so it watched
the tool-specific events rather than (or in addition to) "content"

I am going to start trying to make this change but would like to talk
to the current owner of resource tool. I do not see the new owner after
Nuno left Sakai. Could you please advice me on the new owner. Thank you




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