[Building Sakai] Samigo suggestions

Raul Sanchez Vegas raulsv at um.es
Wed Mar 14 02:07:14 PDT 2012

Hi all

We have some suggestions from our instructors to add some new features 
to the Test&Quizzes tool:

1. Now the assessment's point value is the result of adding every 
question's point value. They think that it would be useful to be able to 
introduce the full assessment's point value in the asessment's 
configuration. So the assessment's point value would be divided between 
all the assessment's questions equally.

2. It would be useful to be able to introduce the question's negative 
point value one time in the assessment's configuration and all the 
asessment's questions should get this negative point value.

3. If the assessment is already submitted by at least one student, the 
instructor can't modify neither the question's point value or the 
question's negative point value or the question's solution. It would be 
useful to be able to change the question's point value, the question's 
negative point value and the question's solution after the assessment 
has been already submitted (sometimes instructos make a mistake on one 
question and when a student tells them the exam has already started and 
they arent able to change anything).

According to this, it should exists one extra button to re-grade all 
submitted exams.

Our instructor are very interested in these features. What do you think 
about these features?


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