[Building Sakai] I am going to say this really quietly and hope no one hears me....

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Tue Jun 26 19:44:49 PDT 2012

Have we reached the point where we should just pitch HSQL and tell folks to install MySql?

HSQL is no-where - it is going nowhere - we are not even on the most recent code - we are way past the point that a "QuickStart" is essential for us to gain market share.   I could change my shell scripts to do auto-setup of MySql and just tell folks to instal MySql.  Frankly any developer testing on HSQL is a waste of time.  Things like Spring JDBC and Hibernate simply do not care *AT ALL* about HSQL 1.

If people are not capable of getting a MySql up and running - we are not doing them much of a favor of making it easy for them.   Heck even Moodle assumes MySql is already installed.....

(ducking for cover)


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