[Building Sakai] CLOG TOOL

Tue Jun 26 05:30:39 PDT 2012

El 26/06/2012 10:27, Adrian Fish escribió:
> This has been asked for here too. At the moment it's not possible as 
> CLOG is not group aware. You could submit a JIRA ticket against the 
> CLOG (https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/CLOG) project, if you know 
> how to do that, and we can look at implementing it. What timescales 
> are you talking about?

Hi all,
is there any group aware blog solution in Sakai? we were actually 
looking at CLOG and BLOGWOW right now and wondering if at least, 
students and teachers of a particular section would only have access to 
blogs of users from the same section within a site (We will need that 
kind of filtering).

So each student will have its own blog but only accessible by users from 
same section.
Same way, when a TA access the blog tool, he will only see all blogs 
from the students assigned to his section.

I think is not the same that you guys where discussing (which also 
sounds really interesting!!  and we look forward to  Reginald's jira).

does CLOG supports that (low level section awareness) right now?


José Mariano Luján González - Aula Virtual
Area de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA - http://www.um.es

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