[Building Sakai] LDAP Crashing when more than 2000 users per site

Sam Ottenhoff ottenhoff at longsight.com
Tue Jun 12 07:29:51 PDT 2012

> The idea is that the jldap provider generates quite a heavy LDAP query:
> |((uid=111000)(uid=111001)...(uid=113000)). Our Oracle OID LDAP vendor is
> refusing to run this query so we are looking for alternatives:

So it looks like you are using a custom LDAP provider that implemented
getUsers as one batch request?  The default JLDAP provider in Sakai calls
to LDAP once per user.

> 1. We group all users within a site in an LDAP group as well, so the query
> will be dramatically simplified. But then we will have to maintain users in
> a site also in the LDAP group. This also means that we have to patch the
> project.

I'm unclear on this point, but maintaining memberships in multiple places
sounds like a pain.

> 2. We patch the LDAP provider to query LDAP in batches of x. This solution
> has quite an impact.

Can you provide a link to your patch?  It sounds like you need to implement
batching in your requests to not exceed the LDAP server's maximum results

I submitted a patch to the JLDAP provider that uses a configurable


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