[Building Sakai] gradebook export changes proposal

Gonzalo Silverio gsilver at umich.edu
Fri Jun 8 05:25:12 PDT 2012


At Michigan we need to meet some user needs in Gradebook, so we would like
to propose the following.

SAK-22204. Export grades in a format required by the institutional
The idea is to provide a simple way to export the grades so that the
instructor can upload the results to the institutional final grade
submission mechanism.
Revealing this control will depend on a sakai.property, defaulting in it's
absence to not show. The same property's values will specify what fields to
include, as well as the presence or absence of headers.
The control label will come from the language bundle with the option to be
overriden by a sakai.property.

Existence of the property will also rearrange the other controls that also
export grade in different formats (pdf, csv, excel) to simplify the UI.

SAK-22205. Gradebook Item Export Format
Give the instructors the ability to create a grade export that selects what
fields to include as well as presence or absence of headers. Savvy users
can tweak the generic format after it is exported. This givens them the
choice of doing it up front.

The presentation of the new UI required would depend on a sakai.property,
absent which it would default to the present behaviour. The value of the
property would specify the default fields that would be exported if the
user made no changes, as well as what checkboxes would be checked in the
controls by default. Presence of the property would also rearrange the
export controls to simplify them.

Please let us know what you think. We plan to do this work shortly after
the conference.


 - Gonzalo
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