[Building Sakai] JIRA active? (forum statistics reporting)

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Mon Dec 17 06:48:32 PST 2012

Thanks for the clarification, but where is the "statistics & grading" page, I couldn't find it. Looks like it might be a part of Gradebook2, the binary CLE doesn't seem to include that?

Also note that to check on the reported data in SiteStats I dumped its data from the database, which was also wrong. Maybe I need to look for the same forum usage data in some other place? I do now see that forums has its own statistics page, which does seem to be accurate, but does not provide an export report.

Maybe I'll see where I can get that data from the database to export it.

Thanks for the help for a beginner!

From: Bryan Holladay [mailto:holladay at longsight.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 7:57 AM

Msgcntr already provides this data accurately through the "statistics & grading" page.  You are using the Site Stats tool to report on msgcntr's events.  So it might not be that it's not important, but that it's already covered.  I don't disagree with msgcntr-723, I'm just explaining the priority.


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