[Building Sakai] Enabling new Tutorial Tool in 2.9-b07

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Wed Aug 22 00:29:40 PDT 2012

Hi everybody. I'm taking a look on Sakai 2.9-b07 and I have two 
questions that I'm not able to find documentation about.

- The new Tutorial Tool (https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-22243) 
is supposed to be enabled by default, and I understand that is included 
in b07 (it's running in Longsight's QA server and we really love it) but 
it's not running in our b07. I have added the property 
portal.use.tutorial=true in our sakai.properties (even if it's true by 
default) but I don't see the tutorial when entering. Is it needed any 
other thing to enable this functionality?

- When I select a tool from top-right user's icon (I can go to 
"Profile", "Preferences" and "New site") the tool's left bar always 
hides. I don't know if this behaviour was planned like that. If not, I 
can fill a JIRA.

Thanks and best regards.
Daniel Merino Echeverría
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de teleformación - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.

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