[Building Sakai] coursemanagement service and Course vs CourseSection objects

Gross,Christopher ufchrisg at ufl.edu
Fri Aug 17 08:53:01 PDT 2012


I have touched on this in the past but only get a chance to look at this every few months, which I am back on it.  We use the course management API extensively and at the same time have modified gradebook slightly so that exports include a few extra columns, one of them being the section information passed in by the CM API.  The problem I am encountering is that when I attempt to get the CourseSection object, using EnrollmentRecord.getLearningContext() the object being returned is of type Course and not CourseSection.  I need CourseSection objects to get the proper title.  I cannot determine if this is a problem in the code I am using or in how we are forming our XML for the CM API imports.  I pulled the method for doing this from the sample-course-grade-converter module located in the gradebook tool - ~line 112 of CourseGradesToSpreadsheetConverterSample.java.  An example of what our CM XML looks like is attached.

Chris Gross
University of Florida

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