[Building Sakai] Assignments 2: 1.0 RC 1

Steven Githens swgithen at mtu.edu
Sun May 15 20:00:48 PDT 2011

Hello Sakai Dev!

It's been a while, but we are happy to have a new tag of Assignments 2
ready for testing.  Release Candidate 1 is available here:


This incorporates several semesters worth of testing, bug fixes and
functionality additions.  For those interested in testing this out, svn
checkout the code above and open up the top level README.html for build
instructions.  There is a script to adjust the build for you're version
of Sakai.  Currently we support 2.7.x, 2.8.x, and Trunk (2.9).

New stuff includes:
- Reworking of permissions for various tasks
- Improved Gradebook interaction and syncing
- Lot's of work on our Turnitin and OSP integration.
- Improved bulk uploading and downloading
- User interface improvements based on user testing and feedback from
production support
- Lot's of bug fixes.

We plan on releasing the final 1.0 in the next week or two before the
conference.  Todo items before then include:
- More documentation
- A concurrent release of the Turnitin Module that streamlines the
install and setup process for A2 (currently being finalized)
- Minor tweaks to our setup and build scripts (currently, you need to
have an existing Sakai build locally to run the environment setup script.)

Any feedback, questions, testing reports are greatly appreciated!


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