[Building Sakai] citations helper

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Mar 31 02:47:16 PDT 2011


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Jim Eng [mailto:jimeng at umich.edu]| Hi Adam,
| Could you say more about what you have in mind?

One of our users has "gone to town"* adding useful info in the notes field, this is of course not displayed by default and they are worried that the students will not click on "Citations View" so will miss the notes. In this occasion we'd like to have the reading list open displaying this view. I'd be happy if (say) a query string appended to the URL could be used (?view=cititations), eg, we could create a Web Content link and use this special URL to ensure that the notes field were always visible. 

What we think we will do is display the notes field in both citations and title view, the logic being that if somebody has taken the time to write notes then they are probably of some importance>

| And meanwhile, I will answer what may be a really different question.
| If an instructor wants to create a reading list for a class, she could
| do that with the citations helper.  She could add items to the list in
| a number of ways, depending on what is enabled in the instance of sakai
| at her university.  She might search the databases provided by
| university library's digital index vendor and include links to journal
| articles from there.  Or she might use Google Scholar from within the
| citations helper and import specific citations from the search results.
| Another way is to import citations from a endnote or refworks in RIS
| format.  And it's even possible to type the information into the
| citations helper.  Once the citations are added to the citations list,
| the instructor could link to it or attach it in the syllabus, a wiki,
| an assignment, etc.  Is that the kind of thing you had in mind?

We are doing quite a lot with the citations list. We had a JISC project called sir Louie which adds Open URL and COiNS support to the reading list tool and integrates Ex-Libris Primo with Sakai. The work is almost done, you can read about it here: 


We will be feeding this back to the community (you?) when we're done.

RIS: We have also done some work improving the RIS importation process: https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-18495  

If you like we can send you the patch (or indeed attach to 18495).

Matthew comments (on our local ticket): 

Ok, so when importing a book Sakai doesn't use the TI field, just the T1 and BT fields.
I'm not sure why, at the moment TI is only used for article titles. When exporting books from Zotero and Mendeley they use T1 for the title. 


* http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/go+to+town

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