[Building Sakai] Samigo: Error testing property 'formatByPart'

George Pipkin gpp8p at virginia.edu
Wed Jun 22 13:06:32 PDT 2011

Hi -

    We just upgraded to 2.7.x and are encountering a considerable number 
of errors in
out logs that complain about:

2011-06-22 10:58:28,868 ERROR TP-Processor47 
com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase - Error testing property 
'formatByPart' in bean of type null
javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Error testing property 
'formatByPart' in bean of type null
         at com.sun.faces.el.impl.ArraySuffix.getType(ArraySuffix.java:240)

Checking the code, it looks like this is tied up in the 
SettingsDeliveryBean, and DeliverAssessment.jsp - looks
alot like a configuration setting that is needed but not made.  However, 
when going through
the samigo 2.7 release notes, I fail to find any mention of it.

Anybody know what it is and possibly why we are seeing all these Exceptions.

                                         - George Pipkin

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