[Building Sakai] Course Management - CourseSetRoleResolver problem

Paul Marais paul at psybergate.co.za
Thu Jun 2 03:38:10 PDT 2011



I'm using the Course Management API to insert my Course Management data.

It seems to be working properly.


However, when I log in with a user that has a membership to Course Set I get
the following error in Tomcat:

org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.provider.BaseRoleResolver - Unable to
find sakai role for CM role AFNL


The name of the CourseSet is AFNL, but the lecturer is linked with a
'DeptAdmin' role to it:

cmAdmin.addOrUpdateCourseSetMembership("lecturerUserName", "DeptAdmin",
"AFNL", "Active");


After debugging this I found the problem in CourseSetRoleResolver.java.
(Around line 117 in the sakai-2.8.0 tag.)

The convertRole method sends the 'AFNL' key instead of the 'DeptAdmin' role.


Am I missing something or is this an existing bug in Sakai?




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