[Building Sakai] BlogWow profile and Profile2 in Sakai 2.8

Sam Ottenhoff ottenhoff at longsight.com
Tue Jul 19 11:17:53 PDT 2011

> 2) Is there a hidden flag somewhere to reactivate the option to let users
> create their own profile in Blogwow for Sakai 2.8.0?
There have been few changes to blogwow until I went through 10 or so JIRAs
this weekend and tagged a 1.0.0 version of BlogWow.  Some of my changes
include CKEditor support, constraining width of text areas, modifying the
direct view, fixing the draft => public workflow.

Are you referring to "My Blog Settings"?  It's still there, I don't see any
changes to that code.

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