[Building Sakai] Change Alert: spring-webmvc no longer in shared.

David Horwitz david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
Tue Jul 5 05:48:10 PDT 2011

Hello All,

As discussed last week I have made the change that spring-webmvc is no 
longer deployed to shared (see 
https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/KNL-757). This means that tools 
that require spring-webmvc will have to package them to their own 
webapp.  Tools that have a declared dependency to spring-webmvc already 
will automatically do so when rebuilt.

The current release of RSF (0.7.4) declares spring-webmvc as a 
dependency but marks it as provided, maven therefore doesn't include it 
in the war. Till the next release of RSF all tools should declare a 
dependency on spring-webmvc to ensure it gets deployed in shared.



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