[Building Sakai] msgcenter and entitybroker

John Bush john.bush at rsmart.com
Mon Feb 28 15:59:11 PST 2011

I've been trying to track down some issues when using the entitypicker to
select direct links to msgcenter entities.  I'm wondering if this is
expected behavior and known, or something I've just uncovered.  It appears
direct links to topics and messages fail while links to forums work.  I'm
seeing the same behavior in 2.7 and 2.8 codebases.

Gets redirected to a url like this:
and works just fine

Direct links to topics and messages like this:


Fail with following messages:

HTTP Status 404 - Failed to retrieve entity (/forum_message/2), entity
object could not be found

*type* Status report

*message* *Failed to retrieve entity (/forum_message/2), entity object could
not be found*

*description* *The requested resource (Failed to retrieve entity
(/forum_message/2), entity object could not be found) is not available.*

John Bush
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