[Building Sakai] Hierachical navigation

Lucas Amorim amorimlb at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 10:56:17 PST 2011

Hello everyone,

I am new to Sakai development and the reason of my e-mail is that I have
been required to program a hierarchical navigation feature in Sakai CLE,
and, if possible, I would like some directions to achieve it. :)

This task is part of a course on Development and Modelling of Educational
Systems to which I am attending. The tutors have asked me to implement
those links which display a level by level path to the page where the user
is (example: University of Somewhere -> Computer Science -> 2012.1 ->
Operating Systems -> Unit 5), so he is able to navigate to anywhere in the
path that lead him to the current page. The exact feature I must implement
can be seen in this screen shot (attached) of a Moodle page.

 Can you please give me some directions on which packages and classes I
should look at, where could this feature be introduced and such? If the
feature, or part of it is already implemented, please tell me how to
"activate it".

Finally, I just would like to say that this task is part of a set of
features which were required by our university to adopt Sakai as its main
VLE, and the feature we program here will be submitted to Sakai development

Thanks a lot!
Lucas Amorim

Instituto de Computação
Universidade Federal de Alagoas
Curriculum Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2470781099632240

Linux User #425305
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