[Building Sakai] Clog 0.9.1 ERROR: TypeError: posts is null; posts is null

Wolfgang Rohregger Wolfgang.Rohregger at mci.edu
Mon Dec 5 08:58:50 PST 2011


I've got an error with Clog 0.9.1

When a user tries to open Clog within a course site instead of showing the posts the following error message is displayed:

Failed to get posts. Reason: undefined

After clicking the Ok button oft the message the following error is displayed in the "All posts for this worksite" area:

[ERROR: TypeError: posts is null; posts is null]

The log produces a lot of

2011-12-05 17:43:38,687  INFO TP-Processor35 org.sakaiproject.clog.impl.PersistenceManager - getAutosavedPost: Unable to find post with id:7006404a-0ad7-4db1-9c11-241ce55b68c4

messages (with different IDs of course).

Local database used by Sakai is MySQL.



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