[Building Sakai] QA performance lead(s) during the 2.8 QA cycle.

Berg, Alan A.M.Berg at uva.nl
Mon Sep 13 07:48:00 PDT 2010

Hi all,

Chris Kretler (UMICH)  and Steven Githens have agreed to eat away at performance testing during the 2.8 cycle.  During this time Chris will be the QA lead for this problem area and Steve his buddy (with very little time). Both Steve and Chris are short on time, so the testing will be very much rate limited.

Chris was the main driving force behind the now defunct performance WG and is a performance engineer with long standing experience. Steven has been a vigorous developer in Sakai fro some time.

The reason why I am announcing this is multi fold:

1) The community will owe these guys for their work. Therefore, at the next conference if you see them standing modestly in the shadows pull them into the bar.

2) If you have experience in the performance area and want to bounce idea's please email Chris, CC'ing Steve and I.

3) If you have local issues with performance and have an idea of where the pain points are, feel free to make contact.

4) If you are bringing forward new functionality and need hints or wish to warn on potential performance impact please contact us with that information.

Thank you Chris and Steven for your up coming efforts,


Alan Berg
QA Director - The Sakai Foundation

Senior Developer / Quality Assurance
Group Education and Research Services
Central Computer Services
University of Amsterdam

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