[Building Sakai] [Using Sakai] Assignment : error at bulk upload on nightly build

Zhen Qian zqian at umich.edu
Fri Sep 10 08:55:24 PDT 2010

Are the archive files of right format? Can you first try "Download All" to
get a sample zip file, make some changes (e.g. add an feedback attachment
for a student), make a new zip file and try "Upload All" again? 


- Zhen 

On Fri, 10 Sep 2010 11:41:06 -0400, Mame-Awa Diop  wrote: Hello guys,

 Since yesterday I noticed that our instructors weren't able any more to
upload the archive files of submissions. They have the error:
 Alert: You have not selected a zip archive file. You must select either a
.zip or a .sit archive file as the upload file.

 The error is also on the nightly builds 2.6.X and 2.7Do you have any idea
of what it might be ?


Mame Awa Diop
Analyste programmeur
Service de gestion des technologies et de l'information
HEC Montral
3000, chemin de la cte-Sainte-Catherine
Montral (Qubec) H3T 2A7

GTI: 514.340.6000 #2029 - Bureau 3.755
Projet OpenSyllabus: 514.340.6776 - Bureau 3.468

Tlcopieur: (514)340-5637

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